Holiday Celebration
December 13
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Thousand Oaks Room
Join us for a festive day with activities, refreshments and PRIZES.​
Event Starts/Refreshments
Cookie Decoration Station
Photo/Selfie Station
Holiday Sweater Contest
White Elephant Exchange
White Elephant Gift Exchange
Join us for this fun gift exchange. If you would like to participate, bring a wrapped gift valued at $10 or buy in by bringing $10 CASH. Then get ready to swap for the best gift.
Service Project
This year we are collecting pantry items and toiletries for CSUN Food Pantry. Items most in need include:
Shelf-stable foods including canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned beans, soups, tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, macaroni, cereal, breakfast bars, oatmeal, and snacks and toiletry items.
Items can be dropped off at the AS Main Office, at the Children’s Center, or at the event
We will have a station for you to decorate and enjoy wonderful holiday cookies.
Cookie Decorating Station
Holiday Sweater Contest
Come wearing your best holiday sweater and you can win a prize. Categories include:​
Most Festive
Most Creative